王崇崇,博士,讲师,中共党员。2022年7月入职浙江农林大学。主要从事面制品加工、营养设计与功能评价,该方向研究面制品加工新技术,植物源功能性组分与面制品组分(面筋蛋白、淀粉)互作机理研究,及对面制品进行营养强化、全营养设计、品质提升,并开展终端面制品功能评价。主持浙江农林大学人才启动项目—茶馒头产品及品质调控技术开发(2022/01-2024/12),参与国家基金、国家十三五重点研发计划、省公益部等项目4项。累计发表论文10余篇,其中以第一作者在食品领域国际期刊Food chemistry、Food hydrocolloids等发表SCI论文5篇,影响因子累计超过40。
2022.07 -至今,浙江农林大学教师
2018.09 - 2022.06,江南大学,博士
2015.09 - 2018.06,河南工业大学,硕士
(1)Wang, C. C., Sheng, Z., Zhang, Y. H., Du, Q. Z., Li, Q., Jin, P., Xie, D. C., Min, W. H., & Zhang, H. H. (2023). Effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on the structural hierarchy of the gluten network in dough. Food Hydrocolloids, 142, 108803.
(2)Wang, C.-C., Yang, Z., Xing, J.-J., Guo, X.-N., & Zhu, K.-X. (2022). Effects and underlying mechanisms of insoluble dietary fiber and ferulic acid on the crumb structure of steamed bread. Food Hydrocolloids, 125, 107448.
(3)Wang, C.-C., Yang, Z., Xing, J.-J., Guo, X.-N., & Zhu, K.-X. (2021). Effects of insoluble dietary fiber and ferulic acid on the rheological properties of dough. Food Hydrocolloids, 121, 107008.
(4)Wang, C. C., Yang, Z., Guo, X. N., & Zhu, K. X. (2021). Effects of insoluble dietary fiber and ferulic acid on the quality of steamed bread and gluten aggregation properties. Food Chem, 364, 130444.
(5)Wang, C. C., Ma, S., Li, L., Zheng, X. L., & Wang, X. X. (2018). Effect of modified dietary fibre from wheat bran on the quality of noodle. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 10(1), 61-68.
(6) Ma, S.,Wang, C., Li, L., & Wang, X. (2019). Effects of particle size on the quality attributes of wheat flour made by the milling process. Cereal Chemistry, 97(2), 172-182.