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陈刚,2018年博士毕业于江南大学食品学院,主要从事食品资源与微生物酶的发掘与利用,新型物理场应用、食品蛋白与多糖的构效关系与应用等研究。主持或参与国家和省部级项目3项。迄今在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety、Food Chemistry、Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等杂志上发表相关论文20余篇。





江南大学 食品科学专业工学博士


华中农业大学 食品科学与工程 联合培养学士


塔里木大学 食品科学与工程 学士









(1)Gang Chen, Imran Mahmood Khan, Wensen He, Yongxin Li, Peng Jin, Osvaldo H. Campanella, Haihua Zhang, Yanrong Huo, Yang Chen, Huqing Yang, Ming Miao.Rebuilding the lid region from conformational and dynamic features to engineering applications of lipase in foods: Current status and future prospects.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety,2022,21, 2688-2714.

(2) Yang Fei, Zhennai Yang, Sobia Niazi,Gang Chen*, Muhammad Adnan Nasir, Imran Mahmood Khan, Abdur Rehman, Rana Muhammad Aadil, Monica Trif,Viorica Coşier.Proteolysis of β-lactoglobulin assisted by high hydrostatic pressure treatment for development of polysaccharides-peptides based coatings and films.Coatings, 2022, 12, 1577.


(4)Gang Chen, Chenyu Wu, Xiaojie Chen, Zhennai Yang, HuqingYang. Studying the effects of high pressure–temperature treatment on the structure and immunoreactivity of β-lactoglobulin using experimental and computational methods.Food Chemistry, 2022, 372,131226.

(5)Gang Chen, Qiupei Zhang, Haitao Chen, Ming Miao, Osvaldo H. Campanella, Biao Feng.In situ and real-time insight intoRhizopus chinensislipase under high pressure and temperature: Conformational traits and biobehaviours,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 154, 1314-132.

(6)Gang Chen, Kai Huang, Ming Miao, Biao Feng, Osvaldo H.Campanella.Molecular dynamics simulation for mechanism elucidation of food processing and food safety: State of the art.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety,2019, 18, 243-263.

(7)Gang Chen*, Qiupei Zhang, Qiyu Lu, Biao Feng. Protection effect of polyols onRhizopus chinensislipase counteracting the deactivation from high pressure and high temperature treatment.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2019, 127, 555–562.

(8)Gang Chen, Ming Miao, Bo Jiang, Jian Jin, Osvaldo H. C, Biao Feng. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure onRhizopus chinensislipase: II. Intermediate states during unfolding.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2018, 45,152-160.

(9)Gang Chen, Shuting Wang, Biao Feng, Bo Jiang, Jian Jin, Ming Miao.Interaction between soybean protein and tea polyphenols under high pressure.Food Chemistry,2019, 277, 632–638.

(10)Gang Chen, Ming Miao, Bo Jiang, Jian Jin, Osvaldo H. C, Biao Feng. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on lipase fromRhizopus chinensis: I. Conformational changes.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2017, 41, 267-276.

(11)Gang Chen, Jing Tang, Ming Miao, Bo Jiang, Jian Jin, Biao Feng.Elucidation of pressure-induced lid movement and catalysis behavior ofRhizopus chinensislipase.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 103, 360-365.

(12)Gang Chen, Lu Wang, Ming Miao, Chengsheng Jia, Biao Feng. Coupled effects of salt and pressure on catalytic ability ofRhizopus chinensislipase.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017, 97: 5381–5387.

(13) Xinying Yang1,Gang Chen1, Huanmei Du, Ming Miao, Biao Feng. Behavior ofYarrowia lipolyticaLipase Lip2 under high hydrostatic pressure: Conformational changes and isokineticity diagram.Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2016, 127, 34–39.

(14)Gang Chen,Huanmei Du, Bo Jiang, Ming Miao, Biao Feng. Activity ofCandida rugosalipase for synthesis of hexyl octoate under high hydrostatic pressure and the mechanism of this reaction.Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2016, 133, S439-S444.

(15) Li,Yongxin,Yin, Yuting,Golding, John B., Geng Shuxiana,Chen Gang, Yang Huqing. Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Quality Deterioration in Fusarium solani-Infected Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam cv Xinxiang)Storage Roots.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022,70,7258 – 7266.

(16)Zhou Shuqian,Chen Lu,Chen Gang,Li Yongxin, Yang huqing.Molecular mechanisms through which short‐term cold storage improves the nutritional quality and sensory characteristics of postharvest sweet potato tuberous roots: A transcriptomic study.Foods, 2021, 10(9), 2079.

(17) Jing Tang,Gang Chen, Lu Wang, Ming Miao, Bo Jiang, Biao Feng. Immobilization ofY. lipolyticalipase and the continuous synthesis of geranyl propionate.Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2016, 133, S311-316. (EI)

(18) Lu Wang,Gang Chen, JingTang, MiaoMing, Chengsheng Jia, Biao Feng. Continuous biosynthesis of geranyl butyrate in a circulating fluidized bed reactor.Food Bioscience, 2019, 27, 60-65.

(19) Wang Meigui, He Wensen,Chen Gang, Jia Chengsheng, Zhang Xiaoming, Feng Biao. Enzymatic digestion characteristics and structure analysis of Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) starch noodles.Food Science and Technology Research, 2014, 20 (5), 997-1004.




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