吕爱敏,博士,副教授,中共党员。研究方向为药用植物非生物胁迫抗逆机制,中药植物资源保护与利用。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,中国博士后面上项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家十三五重大专项项目、上海市农委科技兴农等项目,近五年以第一作者在Theplant journal,Plant cell and physiology,BMC plant biology,Frontiers in plant science等国际期刊发表论文5篇,影响因子累计超过25。
2023.01-至今浙江农林大学食品与健康学院 讲师
2020.09-2022.12 上海交通大学生态站 博士后
2015.04-2020.08上海交通大学 博士
2012.09-2015.03上海交通大学 硕士
2008.09-2012.06 山东农业大学 学士
1.Aimin Lv, Wuwu Wen, Nana Fan, Liantai Su, Peng Zhou and Yuan An* (2021). Dehydrin MsDHN1 improves aluminum tolerance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) by affecting oxalate exudation from root tips. The Plant Journal, 108: 441-458. (IF=7.091, 1区, Top期刊)
2.Lv Aimin, Su Liantai, WenWuwu, Fan Nana, Zhou Peng, An Yuan* (2020). Analysis of the function of the alfalfa MsLEA-D34 gene in abiotic stress responses and flowering time. Plant and Cell Physiology, 62:968. (IF=4.937)
3.Lv Aimin, Su Liantai, Liu Xingchen, Xing Qiang, Huang Bingru, An Yuan*, Zhou Peng* (2018). Characterization of dehydrin protein, CdDHN4-L and CdDHN4-S, and their differential protective roles against abiotic stress in vitro. BMC Plant Biology, 18(1) :299. (IF=5.262)
4.Aimin Lv, Nana Fan, Jianping Xie, Shili Yuan, Yuan An*, Peng Zhou*(2017). Expression of CdDHN4, a novel YSK2-type dehydrin gene from Bermudagrass, responses to drought stress through the ABA-dependent signal pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8. (IF=6.627)
5. Zhang D,Lv A, Yang T, Zhou Peng*. Protective functions of alternative splicing transcripts (CdDHN4-L and CdDHN4-S) of CdDHN4 from bermudagrass under multiple abiotic stresses[J]. Gene: X, 2020, 5. (Co-first author,IF=3.913)
6.Su Liantai, Lv Aimin, Wen Wuwu, Fan Nana, Li Jiaojiao, Gao Li, Zhou Peng, An Yuan*(2022). MsMYB741 is involved in alfalfa resistance to aluminum stress by regulating flavonoid biosynthesis. The Plant Journal(IF=7.091, 1区, Top期刊)
7.Su Liantai,Lv Aimin, Wen Wuwu, Zhou Peng, An Yuan* (2020). Auxin is involved in magnesium-mediated photoprotection in photosystems of alfalfa seedlings under aluminum stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:746 (IF=6.627)
8. Gao Xiaoye,Lv Aimin, Wang Shengyin, Su Liantai, Zhou Peng*, An Yuan* (2016). Greenhouse gas intensity and net ecosystem carbon budget following the application of green manures in rice paddies. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10705-016-9797-7(IF=3.866)
邮箱:lvaimin1990@163.com 20230004@zafu.edu.cn