1.Xing B.#, Zheng Y.#, Zhang M.#, Liu X., Li L., Mou C., Wu Q., Guo H.*, Shao Q.*Biocontrol: Endophytic bacteria could be crucial to fight soft rot disease in the rare medicinal herb,Anoectochilus roxburghii. Microb Biotechnol. 2022.
2.Xing, B.#, Li, S.#, Yang, J., Lin, D., Feng, Y., Lu, J., Shao, Q.*Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and potential clinical applications of saffron: A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021: 114555.
3.Li, S.#,Xing,B.#, Lin, D., Yi, H., Shao, Q.*Rapid detection of saffron (Crocus sativusL.) Adulterated with lotus stamens and corn stigmas by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics,Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 112539.
5.Su, L., Wan, S., Zhou, J., Shao, Q.S.,Xing, B.*Transcriptional regulation of plant seed development. Physiologia Plantarum, 2021: 1–13.
7.Xing B., Yang, D., Yu, H., Zhang, B., Yan, K., Zhang, X., Han R.*, Liang, Z.* Overexpression ofSmbHLH10enhances tanshinones biosynthesis inSalvia miltiorrhizahairy roots. Plant Science, 2018: 229-238.
8.Xing B., Liang L., Liu L., Hou Z., Yang D., Yan K., Zhang, X., Liang, Z.* Overexpression ofSmbHLH148induced biosynthesis of tanshinones as well as phenolic acids inSalvia miltiorrhizahairy roots. Plant Cell Rep, 2018, 37: 1681–1692.
9.Xing B.#, Yang, D.#, Liu, L., Han, R., Sun, Y.*, & Liang, Z.*. Phenolic acid production is more effectively enhanced than tanshinone production by methyl jasmonate inSalvia miltiorrhizahairy roots. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2018, 134(1): 119-129.
10.Chen D.#;Xing B.#; YiH.#.; Li Y.; Zheng B.; Wang Y. Shao Q.*; Effects of different drying methods on appearance, microstructure, bioactive compounds and aroma compounds of saffron (Crocus sativus L.), LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 120: 0-108913.
11.Li W.#;Xing B.#; Mao R.; Bai Z.; Yang D.; Xu J.; Liang Z.*; SmGRAS3 negatively responds to GA signaling while promotes tanshinones biosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza , Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 144.
12.Zhang C.#*;Xing B.#*; Yang D.; Ren M.; Guo, H.; Yang S.; Liang Z.*;SmbHLH3 acts as a transcription repressor for both phenolic acids and tanshinone biosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots. Phytochemistry 2020, 169,112183
13.Xing, B.#; Yang, D.#; Guo, W.; Liang, Z. *; Yan, X.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Y. Ag+as a More Effective Elicitor forProductionofTanshinonesthan Phenolic Acids inSalvia miltiorrhizaHairy Roots. Molecules 2015, 20, 309-324.
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