杨虎清 教授
邮编:311300 联系电话:13116796989
E-mail: yanghuqing@sohu.com yanghq@zafu.edu.cn
2.宁波市公益类科技计划重点项目,202002N3081,鲜食甘薯采后商品化处理及品质调控关键技术研究与配套设备研发,2019/07—2022/06, 20万元,在研、主持。
[1]Peng Cui, Yongxin Li, Chenke Cui, Yanrong Huo, Guoquan Lu and Huqing Yang*. 2020. Proteomic and metabolic profile analysis of low-temperature storage responses inIpomoea batataLam. tuberous roots. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20(1): https://doi.org/10.1186/ s12870-020- 02642-7
[2] Jiashi Hao, Xia Li, Guangzhi Xu, Yanrong Huo, &Huqing Yang*. 2019. Exogenous progesterone treatment alleviates chilling injury in postharvest banana fruit associated with induction of alternative oxidase and antioxidant defense. Food Chemistry, 286: 329–337.
[3] Huiyun Chen, Zhengxuan Sun, &Huqing Yang*. 2019. Effect of carnauba wax-based coating containing glycerol monolaurate on the quality maintenance and shelf-life of Indian jujube (Zizyphus mauritianaLamk.) fruit during storage. Scientia Horticulturae, 244: 157–164.
[4]Huqing Yang*, Xia Li, & Guoquan Lu*. 2018. Effect of carnauba wax-based coating containing glycerol monolaurate on decay and quality of sweetpotato roots during storage. Journal of Food Protection, 81:1643–1650.
[5] Zhidong Sun, Jiasi Hao, &Huqing Yang*, Huiyun Chen. 2018. Effect of Chitosan Coatings Enriched with Lauroyl Arginate Ethyl and Montmorillonite on Microbial Growth and Quality Maintenance of Minimally Processed Table Grapes (Vitis viniferaL. Kyoho) during Cold Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 11:1853–1862.
[6] Xia Li &Huqing Yang*, Guoquan Lu. 2018. Low-temperature conditioning combined with cold storage inducing rapid sweetening of sweetpotato tuberous roots (Ipomoea batatas(L.) Lam) while inhibiting chilling injury. Postharvest Biology & Technology, 142: 1–9.
[7] Yanfei Shen &Huqing Yang*. 2017. Effect of preharvest chitosan-g-salicylic acid treatment on postharvest table grape quality, shelf life, and resistance to Botrytis cinerea-induced spoilage, Scientia Horticulturae, 224(20): 367–373.
[8]Lingyan Wu&Huqing Yang*. 2016. Combined Application of Carboxymethyl Chitosan Coating and Brassinolide Maintains the Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Green Asparagus.Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 40(2): 154– 165.
[9] Youzuo Zhang, Meiling Zhang,&Huqing Yang*. 2015. Postharvest chitosan-g-salicylic acid application alleviates chilling injury and preserves cucumber fruit quality during cold storage, Food Chemistry, 174: 558–563.
(1)杨虎清,申燕飞,吴玲艳,厉维江.一种葡萄的保鲜方法,2019.04.16,中国,ZL 2016 1 0247497.6
(2)杨虎清,陆国权,郝佳诗,申燕飞.一种方便粽的制作方法,2020.08.01,中国,ZL 2016 1 0643367.4